“Alice Cooper”最初是一支乐队的名字,他的主唱叫Vincent Damon Furnier。在Vincent的率领之下,”Alice Cooper”的音乐恢弘、有戏剧性,将”重金属”和”车库摇滚”集合起来并且具有暴力美学,已经初具”Shock Rock”的风范。他们创造了一种别具风格的舞台特色:电椅、断头台、假血、巨蟒、,都是他们表演时的舞台道具。与他们的音乐相比较,他们的音乐显得不太出众,只是些来自于60年代吉他流行乐的简单回复段和旋律。在原来的乐队解散后,Vincent开始了个人发展并使用Alice Cooper这个名字。他的音乐开始转变为纯粹的重金属,但他仍然保留了在演出是使用道具的习惯,这最终使他成为”Shock Rock”之王。2011年,库珀入选摇滚名人堂。


起初,有一支名为Alice Cooper的乐队,由一个叫Vincent Damon Furnier的主唱领导。在这个主唱的一手策划下,乐队在开发重金属的戏剧性和暴力色彩方面领先一步,他们把音乐搞成了恐怖电影和杂耍,他们在舞台表演方面的吓人玩意包括:电椅、断头台、鲜血(假的)、大蟒蛇和Furnier阴森的扮相。


在原来的乐队解散后,Furnier开始以Alice Cooper为名进行独立发展,此时他的音乐不再像以前那样充满夸张活跃,而是转化成了直来直去的重金属。不过他在舞台表演中保留了那些令他获得“休克摇滚之王”称号的小道具。
Furnier的第一支乐队称作the Earwigs后来在1965年改名the Spiders,之后又用过Nazz的名字。The Spiders和the Nazz都曾在当地发行过小有一名的单曲。1968年他发现已经有一支叫作Nazz的乐队后,将队名改为Alice Cooper。关于这个名字,据说来源于Furnier在一次占卜中获得的启发,在那次占卜中他被告知他是17世纪一个同名女巫的转世化身。乐队包括主唱Furnier(后来他自称Alice Cooper)、吉他手Mike Bruce和Glen Buxton贝司手Dennis Dunaway和鼓手Neal Smith。1968年乐队前往加州并遇见了Frank Zappa的经纪人Shep Gordon,他将Alice Cooper收归他的新公司Straight Records。
Alice Cooper1969年发行了他们的处女作《Pretties for You》,1970年初又发行了《Easy Action》但均石沉大海,乐队在洛杉矶看不到前途,于是来到Furnier的家乡底特律。乐队将他们古怪的舞台风格进行了精炼,1970末乐队签约于华纳唱片,在制作人Bob Ezrin的协助下,乐队在第三张专辑《Love It to Death》中发展了他们经典的重金属风格。这是张金唱片,出现了“Eighteen”这样既能反映青少年反叛情绪又可以打入排行榜的佳作。成功也使乐队可以将他们的现场搞得效果更专业,这又使他们的演唱会成为美国最受欢迎的演出之一。1972的《School’s Out》是Alice Cooper在商业上的突破之作,名列专辑榜NO.2,同名单曲进入美国单曲榜Top10名列英国单曲榜首位,销量达百万。而紧随其后的《Billion Dollar Babies》更是火得不得了,在英美两地均居榜首。1973年,在发行了专辑《Muscle of Love》后,Furnier割袖绝情地将乐队其他全部解雇,自己占有了Alice Cooper这个名字,而其他成员则以Billion Dollar Babies为名发行了一张不成功的专辑。
爱丽丝-库珀的乐队当年的几位成员包括吉他手迈克尔-布鲁斯(Michael Bruce)和已故的格伦-巴克斯顿(Glen Buxton)、贝斯手丹尼斯-多纳威(Dennis Dunaway)以及鼓手尼尔-史密斯(Neal Smith),乐队在1974年发行过专辑《Muscle of Love》之后解散。接下来,库珀开始了个人发展,在本次入主摇滚名人堂之前,库珀曾表示,如果这个荣誉不是给整个乐队,而是给他个人的话,他将不会接受。
“是我最初的那支乐队和我一起做出了那几张伟大的唱片,从《Love it to Death》到《Billion Dollar Babies》,再到《Muscle of Love》。我最初的那支乐队是由几个很棒的家伙组成的一个伟大的整体,如果只是我自己的话,我是不可能达到那种成就的。”
据悉,在明年三月的加冕仪式上,库普的经典专辑《Welcome to My Nightmare》中的乐手史蒂夫-亨特(Steve Hunter)将与爱丽丝-库珀乐队一同演出,他代替的是已故的格伦-巴克斯顿。“我们可能会演唱《I’m Eighteen》和《School’s Out》”,爱丽丝-库珀透露。
1974年秋,Alice Cooper的精选《Greatest Hits》打入Top10。为了他的首张个人专辑《Welcome to My Nightmare》,Cooper雇用了Lou Reed的伴奏乐队为自己工作。这张专辑发行于1975年春,保持了一贯的风格和商业成功。在又发行了一张金唱片后Cooper的事业开始走下坡路,这里有风格改变的原因,也有Cooper个人生活恶习的原因。1978年,Cooper康复后创作了专辑《From the Inside》,并且在歌中与Elton John的歌词作者Bernie Taupin一起描绘了他的治疗过程。八十年代初,Cooper仍不断发行专辑并进行巡演,但影响力已大不如前,不过在八十年代后几年,由于他在恐怖电影中的表现和一些流行金属乐队对他公开表示敬意,他的好日子又来了。在金曲机器Desmond Child和一些客座大牌明星的帮助下,1989年的专辑《Trash》成了一张白金唱片,同时令Cooper重回Top10和聚光灯下。九十年代,Cooper仍不时出演一些电影也演出和出专辑,但在音乐上已经失去了影响力。


目前,爱丽丝-库珀乐队健在的四位成员正在亚利桑那的凤凰城一起为第十届Christmas Pudding活动进行排练,这场演出是为Solid Rock儿童基金募集善款。除了库珀的乐队之外,罗比-僵尸(Rob Zombie)、前老鹰乐队(Eagles)吉他手唐-菲尔德(Don Felder)、金属乐团Night Ranger、格伦-坎贝尔(Glen Campbell)、Cheech Marin以及Roger Clyne & the Peacemakers都将在这场演出中登台。


Rolling Stone Magazine: Rolling Stone Magazine将Alice Cooper列为“史上最伟大的艺人”之一,并认为他的音乐风格和舞台表演在摇滚史上具有重要影响力。
NME (New Musical Express): NME将Alice Cooper描述为“摇滚的不朽之王”,赞赏他的音乐才华和舞台表演的震撼力。
BBC Music: BBC Music将Alice Cooper的音乐和表演描述为“令人难以忘怀的”,并认为他是摇滚史上最具创造力和影响力的艺人之一。
The Guardian: The Guardian将Alice Cooper描述为“摇滚乐的先锋之一”,并认为他的音乐展示了对社会和文化的独特洞察力。
Billboard: Billboard赞誉Alice Cooper的音乐才华和舞台表演,将他的创新和冒险精神归功为他成功的关键要素。

Alice Cooper
│ ├─CD
│ │ ├─1969 – Pretties For You
│ │ ├─1970 – Easy Action
│ │ ├─1971 – Killer & Da Da (1983) (CDM 198-63)
│ │ ├─1971 – Killer (927 255-2)
│ │ ├─1971 – Killer (Japan)
│ │ ├─1971 – Killer (USA BS 2567)
│ │ ├─1971 – Love It To Death & Trash (1989) (CDM 198-62)
│ │ ├─1971 – love it to death (1990R)
│ │ ├─1971 – Love It To Death (CD 1883)
│ │ ├─1971 – Love It To Death 1971 (Audio Fidelity 24K Gold HDCD AFZ 057 )
│ │ ├─1971 – Love It To Death [Japan WPCP-3488]
│ │ ├─1972 – School’s Out & From The Inside (1978) (CDM 198-64)
│ │ ├─1972 – School’s Out (CD 2623)
│ │ ├─1972 – School’s Out [Japan WPCP-3490]
│ │ ├─1973 – Billion Dollar Babies & Raise Your First And Yell (1987) (CDM 198-65)
│ │ ├─1973 – Billion Dollar Babies (Deluxe Edition) (USA D238866) 2CD
│ │ ├─1973 – Billion Dollar Babies (USA 2685-2)
│ │ ├─1973 – Billion Dollar Babies [Japan WPCP-3491]
│ │ ├─1973 – Muscle Of Love (2015 AFZ5 229)
│ │ ├─1973 – Muscle Of Love (USA 9-26447-2)
│ │ ├─1973 – Muscle Of Love [Japan WPCP-3492]
│ │ ├─1974 – Alice Cooper’s Greatest Hits (Germany 7599-27330-2)
│ │ ├─1974 – Alice Cooper’s Greatest Hits [Japan WPCP-4546]
│ │ ├─1974 – Muscle Of Love & Constrictor (1986) (CDM 198-66)
│ │ ├─1975 – Welcome To My Nightmare & Flush The Fashion (1980) (CDM 198-67)
│ │ ├─1975 – Welcome To My Nightmare (Atlantic 19157-2 USA 1987)
│ │ ├─1975 – Welcome To My Nightmare (CA R2 74383)
│ │ ├─1975 – Welcome To My Nightmare [Japan AMCY-57]
│ │ ├─1976 – Alice Cooper Goes To Hell (Warner 2896-2 USA 1990)
│ │ ├─1976 – Alice Cooper Goes To Hell [Japan WPCP-3493]
│ │ ├─1976 – Goes To Hell & Zipper Catches Skin (1982) (CDM 198-68)
│ │ ├─1976 – Goes to Hell (CD 2896)
│ │ ├─1977 – Lace And Whiskey & Special Forces (1981) (CDM 198-69)
│ │ ├─1977 – Lace and Whiskey (USA 9-26446-2)
│ │ ├─1977 – Lace And Whiskey [Japan WPCP-3494]
│ │ ├─1977 – The Alice Cooper Show [Japan WPCP-3495]
│ │ ├─1978 – From The Inside (R-CD 074)
│ │ ├─1978 – From The Inside [Japan WPCP-3496]
│ │ ├─1980 – Flush The Fashion (US 7599-26229-2)
│ │ ├─1980 – Flush The Fashion [Japan WPCP-3497]
│ │ ├─1981 – Special Forces (US 7599-26230-2)
│ │ ├─1981 – Special Forces [Japan WPCP-3498]
│ │ ├─1982 – Zipper Catches Skin (US 7599-23719-2)
│ │ ├─1982 – Zipper Catches Skin [Japan WPCP-3499]
│ │ ├─1983 – DaDa (US 7599-23969-2)
│ │ ├─1983 – Dada [Japan WPCP-3500]
│ │ ├─1986 – Constrictor (CA MCD 03341)
│ │ ├─1986 – Constrictor (USA MCAD-5761)
│ │ ├─1986 – Constrictor [Japan MVCM-21028]
│ │ ├─1987 – Raise Your Fist And Yell (Germany MCD 03392)
│ │ ├─1987 – Raise Your Fist And Yell [Japan 32XD-866]
│ │ ├─1987 – Raise Your Fist And Yell [Japan Denon MCAD-42091]
│ │ ├─1989 – Poison (England 655061 2)
│ │ ├─1989 – Prince of Darkness
│ │ ├─1989 – The Beast Of Alice Cooper (2292-41781-2)
│ │ ├─1989 – trash (EK-45137)
│ │ ├─1989 – Trash (EPIC 465130 2)
│ │ ├─1989 – Trash (Reissue 2014 Blue-spec CD Japan)
│ │ ├─1989 – Trash [Japan 25 8P-5278]
│ │ ├─1989 – VA – Shocker
│ │ ├─1990 – House Of Fire [Japan ESDA-7013]
│ │ ├─1991 – Hey Stoopid & Classics Lives Part One (1990) (CDM 998-178)
│ │ ├─1991 – Hey Stoopid (EPC 468416 2)
│ │ ├─1991 – Hey Stoopid (Japan Re-issue 2014)
│ │ ├─1991 – Hey Stoopid (Reissue 2013)
│ │ ├─1991 – Hey Stoopid [Japan ESCA-5370]
│ │ ├─1992 – Live At The Whisky A-Go-Go 1969 (CA R2 70369-2)
│ │ ├─1992 – The World Of Alice Cooper , Nobody Likes Me
│ │ ├─1994 – The Last Temptation ( Epic Sony Japan ESCA 5959-60) 2CD
│ │ ├─1994 – The Last Temptation (01-476594-10)
│ │ ├─1994 – Triple Feature 4CD
│ │ ├─1995 – Classicks (EK 67219)
│ │ ├─1995 – Classicks [Epic]
│ │ ├─1997 – A Fistful of Alice (UK)
│ │ ├─1997 – A Fistful of Alice (USA)
│ │ ├─1998 – Poison {Sony Music Entertainment,CBU 67538,Germany}
│ │ ├─1999 – A Tribute To Alice Cooper (VACM-1138, Japan)
│ │ ├─1999 – The Life and Crimes of Alice Cooper 4CD
│ │ ├─1999 – VA – British Rock Symphony
│ │ ├─2000 – Brutal Planet (ECUADOR EDL EAG 273-2) 2CD
│ │ ├─2000 – Brutal Planet (Polydor – POCP-749200)
│ │ ├─2000 – Brutal Planet [Eagle Rec. EDGTE115 NL0802]
│ │ ├─2000 – Brutal Planet [FL, Japan, Polydor K.K., POCP-7492]
│ │ ├─2000 – Brutally Live (UK B00HHVMG9S)
│ │ ├─2000 – Dragontown (Special Edition) 2CD
│ │ ├─2000 – Muscle of Hits (HL013) 2CD
│ │ ├─2001 – Dragontown (Germany EDL EAG 372-2)
│ │ ├─2001 – Dragontown (Spitfire Records – SPT-15200-2)
│ │ ├─2001 – Mascara & Monsters (CA R2 75806)
│ │ ├─2003 – Poison {Sony Music Media,511305 2,EU} 2CD
│ │ ├─2003 – The Eyes Of Alice Cooper (Armoury Records – ARMCD525)
│ │ ├─2003 – The Eyes Of Alice Cooper (ER 20028-2)
│ │ ├─2004 – All Time Hits 1970-1978 (MB CD 166 1004)
│ │ ├─2005 – Dirty Diamonds (Armoury Records – ARMCD526)
│ │ ├─2005 – Dirty Diamonds (Germany SPTTCD257)
│ │ ├─2008 – Alice Cooper (UK TCH010)
│ │ ├─2008 – Along Came A Spider (Bigger Picture – 0093624963387)
│ │ ├─2008 – Along Came a Spider (USA SPV 90602)
│ │ ├─2009 – Spark In The Dark-The Best Of (EU 88697536532) 2CD
│ │ ├─2010 – Theatre of Death – Live at Hammersmith
│ │ ├─2011 – Old School (1964-1974) (2012 reissue) 4CD
│ │ ├─2011 – Original Album Classics (EU 88697944462) 3CD
│ │ ├─2011 – Welcome 2 My Nightmare
│ │ ├─2011 – Welcome 2 My Nightmare (Bigger Picture – 0602527805276)
│ │ ├─2012 – Mini LP SHM-CD Warner Music Japan 12CD
│ │ ├─2012 – No More Mr. Nice Guy. Live! 2CD
│ │ ├─2012 – Original Album Series_EU Box 5CD
│ │ ├─2014 – Raise The Dead Live From Wacken (Germany UDR0330) 2CD
│ │ ├─2015 – The Studio Albums 1969-1983 (Box) 15CD
│ │ ├─2017 – Paranoiac Personality
│ │ ├─2017 – Paranormal (0212146EMU)
│ │ ├─2017 – Paranormal (Deluxe Edition) {Ear Music 0212146EMU} 2CD
│ │ ├─2017 – Paranormal (Ward Records – GQCS-90375~6)
│ │ ├─2017 – Trashes The World (Live 1990) 2CD
│ │ ├─2017 – VA – The Many Faces of Alice Cooper 3CD
│ │ ├─2018 – Inside Out Live 1979
│ │ ├─2018 – Live At L’Olympia 2CD
│ │ ├─2018 – VA – Jesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert (Original Soundtrack of the NBC Television Event)
│ │ ├─2019 – The Breadcrumbs EP
│ │ ├─2020 – FM Broadcast May 1978
│ │ ├─2021 – Detroit Stories (DETROIT)
│ │ ├─2021 – Detroit Stories (Ear Music – 0215653EMU)
│ │ ├─2021 – Detroit Stories (RUSR210822, Russia)
│ │ ├─2021 – Three Temptations From Alice (UK FLOATD6415) 2CD
│ │ ├─2023 – Road (Deluxe Edition)
│ │ ├─2023 – Road (Ear Music – 0217699EMU)
│ │ ├─2023 – Road (Germany 0218744 EMU)
│ ├─Hi-Res
│ │ ├─1971 – Killer (Expanded & Remastered) 2CD [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─1971 – Killer (Expanded & Remastered 2023) 2CD [HDtracks] [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─1972 – School’s Out (Expanded & Remastered) 2CD [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─1973 – Billion Dollar Babies (2012) [HDtracks] [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─1973 – Billion Dollar Babies (édition Studio Masters) [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─1974 – Alice Cooper’s Greatest Hits [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─1975 – Welcome To My Nightmare (1975) [HDtracks] [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─1989 – Trash [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─1989 – Trash [HDtracks] [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─1991 – Hey Stoopid [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─1991 – Hey Stoopid [HDtracks] [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─1994 – The Last Temptation [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─1994 – The Last Temptation [HDtracks] [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─2001 – Welcome To My Nightmare (Edition Studio Masters) [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─2014 – Eleanor Rigby [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ │ ├─2014 – Greatest Hits 1974 [HDtracks] [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─2015 – Hollywood Vampires [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ │ ├─2015 – Peter And The Wolf In Hollywood [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─2017 – Paranoiac Personality [24Bit-88.2Khz]
│ │ ├─2017 – Paranormal (Deluxe Edition) [HDtracks] [24Bit-88.2Khz]
│ │ ├─2017 – Paranormal [24Bit-88.2Khz]
│ │ ├─2018 – A Paranormal Evening at the Olympia Paris (Live) [24Bit-48Khz]
│ │ ├─2018 – A Paranormal Evening at the Olympia Paris (Live) [HDtracks] [24Bit-48Khz]
│ │ ├─2018 – Ballad of Dwight Fry (Live) [24Bit-48Khz]
│ │ ├─2018 – Poison (Live) [24Bit-48Khz]
│ │ ├─2018 – The Sound of A (Live) [24Bit-88.2Khz]
│ │ ├─2018 – The Sound of A (Live) [HDtracks] [24Bit-88.2Khz]
│ │ ├─2019 – Breadcrumbs [24Bit-48Khz]
│ │ ├─2019 – Breadcrumbs [HDtracks] [24Bit-48Khz]
│ │ ├─2019 – Heroes [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─2019 – Rise [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─2019 – The Boogieman Surprise [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─2019 – Who’s Laughing Now [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─2020 – Don’t Give Up [24Bit-48Khz]
│ │ ├─2020 – Heart Parade (feat. Alice Cooper) [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─2020 – Our Love Will Change the World [24Bit-48Khz]
│ │ ├─2020 – Rock & Roll [24Bit-48Khz]
│ │ ├─2021 – Detroit Stories [24Bit-48Khz]
│ │ ├─2021 – Detroit Stories [HDtracks] [24Bit-48Khz]
│ │ ├─2021 – Social Debris [24Bit-48Khz]
│ │ ├─2022 – Live from the Astroturf [24Bit-88.2Khz]
│ │ ├─2022 – Live from the Astroturf [HDtracks] [24Bit-88.2Khz]
│ │ ├─2023 – Be My Lover (Live in Miami, FL, May 27, 1972) [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─2023 – Dead Don’t Dance [24Bit-48Khz]
│ │ ├─2023 – Hollywood Vampires – Live in Rio 2015 [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─2023 – I Got a Line on You (Live) [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─2023 – I’m Alice [24Bit-48Khz]
│ │ ├─2023 – Live in Rio [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─2023 – Manic Depression (Live in Rio 2015) [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─2023 – My Generation (Live in Rio 2015) [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─2023 – Road [24Bit-48Khz]
│ │ ├─2023 – Road [HDtracks] [24Bit-48Khz]
│ │ ├─2023 – School’s Out (Single Version) [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─2023 – School’s Out [24Bit-48Khz]
│ │ ├─2023 – Welcome to the Show [24Bit-48Khz]
│ │ ├─2023 – White Line Frankenstein [24Bit-48Khz]
│ │ ├─2023 – Winner Takes All [24Bit-48Khz]
│ │ ├─2023 – Winner Takes All [HDtracks] [24Bit-48Khz]
│ │ ├─2023 – You Can’t Put Your Arms Around a Memory [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─2023 – You Drive Me Nervous (Alternate Version) [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─2023 – You Drive Me Nervous (Live at Mar Y Sol Pop Festival, Puerto Rico, April 2, 1972) [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─2024 – Billion Dollar Babies (50th Anniversary Deluxe Edition) [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─2024 – Billion Dollar Babies (50th Anniversary Deluxe Edition) [HDtracks] [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─2024 – Coal Black Model T (Outtake) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ │ ├─2024 – Elected (Single Version) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─LP
│ │ ├─1969 – Pretties For You (First US Pressing) 24-96
│ │ ├─1969 – Pretties For You (STS 1051) 24-96
│ │ ├─1970 – Easy Action (First US Pressing) 24-96
│ │ ├─1970 – Easy Action 24-96
│ │ ├─1970 – Pretties For You (2017R) 24-192
│ │ ├─1971 – Killer (2018 US) 24-96
│ │ ├─1971 – Killer (First US Pressing) 24-96
│ │ ├─1971 – Killer (Records – BS-2567) 24-96
│ │ ├─1971 – Killer (USA BS 2567) 32-192
│ │ ├─1971 – Killer (USA FRM-2567) 24-192
│ │ ├─1971 – Love It To Death (2017 EU RCV1 1883) 24-192
│ │ ├─1971 – Love It To Death (2017 France) 24-96
│ │ ├─1971 – Love It To Death (First US Pressing) 24-96
│ │ ├─1971 – Love it To Death (USA WS 1883) 24-192
│ │ ├─1971 – Love It To Death (USA WS 1883) 24-96
│ │ ├─1971 – Love it To Death (USA WS 1883) 32-192
│ │ ├─1972 – School’s Out (EU) 24-192
│ │ ├─1972 – School’s Out (First US Pressing) 24-96
│ │ ├─1972 – School’s Out (Germany WB 56 007) 24-192
│ │ ├─1972 – School’s Out (Records – BS-2623) 24-96
│ │ ├─1972 – School’s Out (UK) 32-192
│ │ ├─1972 – School’s Out (USA BS 2623) 24-192
│ │ ├─1972 – School’s Out (USA) 32-192
│ │ ├─1973 – Billion Dollar Babies (2010 US) 24-96
│ │ ├─1973 – Billion Dollar Babies (2010-US) 32-192
│ │ ├─1973 – Billion Dollar Babies (EU B000002KEN) 24-192
│ │ ├─1973 – Billion Dollar Babies (First US Pressing) 24-96
│ │ ├─1973 – Billion Dollar Babies (Germany K 56013) 24-192
│ │ ├─1973 – Billion Dollar Babies (UK) 32-192
│ │ ├─1973 – Billion Dollar Babies (USA BS 2685) 24-192
│ │ ├─1973 – Billion Dollar Babies (USA) 32-192
│ │ ├─1973 – Muscle Of Love (First US Pressing) 24-96
│ │ ├─1973 – Muscle Of Love (USA BS 2748) 24-192
│ │ ├─1973 – Muscle Of Love (USA BS 2748) 24-96
│ │ ├─1974 – Greatest Hits (Japan) 24-192
│ │ ├─1974 – Greatest Hits (R-2567456-1327134655) 24-192
│ │ ├─1974 – Greatest Hits (Warner Bros. Records – BSK 3107 ) (US) 24-96
│ │ ├─1975 – VA – K-Tel’s 40 Super Greats 24-96
│ │ ├─1975 – Welcome To My Nightmare (2018 France RCD1 18130) 32-384
│ │ ├─1975 – Welcome To My Nightmare (Cabada SD 18130) 32-192
│ │ ├─1975 – Welcome To My Nightmare (Canada) 24-192
│ │ ├─1975 – Welcome To My Nightmare (EU) 32-192
│ │ ├─1975 – Welcome To My Nightmare (First US Pressing) 24-96
│ │ ├─1975 – Welcome To My Nightmare (UK ANCL 2011) 24-192
│ │ ├─1975 – Welcome To My Nightmare (USA SD 18130) 24-192
│ │ ├─1975 – Welcome To My Nightmare (USA SD 18130) 24-96
│ │ ├─1975 – Welcome To My Nightmare (USA SD 18130) 32-192
│ │ ├─1975 – Wellcome To My Nightmare 24-192
│ │ ├─1976 – Goes To Hell (First US Pressing) 24-96
│ │ ├─1976 – Goes To Hell (USA BS 2896) 24-192
│ │ ├─1977 – Lace And Whiskey (First US Pressing) 24-96
│ │ ├─1977 – Lace And Whiskey (UK) 32-192
│ │ ├─1977 – Lace And Whiskey 24-192
│ │ ├─1977 – The Alice Cooper Show 24-192
│ │ ├─1978 – From The Inside (First US Pressing) 24-96
│ │ ├─1978 – From The Inside (UK) 24-192
│ │ ├─1978 – From the Inside {Warner Bros} 24-96
│ │ ├─1980 – Flush The Fashion (First US Pressing) 24-96
│ │ ├─1980 – Flush the Fashion 24-96
│ │ ├─1981 – Special Forces (First US Pressing) 24-96
│ │ ├─1981 – Special Forces (Germany WB 56 927) 24-192
│ │ ├─1981 – Special Forces (USA BSK 3581) 24-192
│ │ ├─1982 – Welcome To My Nightmare (Japan MFSL) 24-96
│ │ ├─1982 – Zipper Catches (First US Pressing) 24-96
│ │ ├─1983 – DaDa (First US Pressing) 24-96
│ │ ├─1983 – Dada (Warner Bros. Records – 92-3969-1) 24-96
│ │ ├─1986 – Constrictor (First US Pressing) 24-96
│ │ ├─1986 – Constrictor (Germany, 254 253-1) 32-192
│ │ ├─1986 – Constrictor 24-192
│ │ ├─1986 – Constrictor 24-96
│ │ ├─1987 – Raise Your Fist And Yell (Canada, MCA-42091) 32-192
│ │ ├─1987 – Raise Your Fist And Yell (First US Pressing) 24-96
│ │ ├─1987 – Raise Your Fist And Yell (Germany 255 074-1) 24-192
│ │ ├─1988 – I Got A Line On You (Epic – EAS 1347) (US) 24-96
│ │ ├─1989 – House Of Fire (Epic – ALICE T4) (UK) 24-96
│ │ ├─1989 – House Of Fire 24-192
│ │ ├─1989 – The Beast Of Alice Cooper (Germany 241 781-1) 24-96
│ │ ├─1989 – Trash (EU) 24-192
│ │ ├─1989 – Trash (EU) 24-96
│ │ ├─1989 – Trash (First US Pressing) 24-96
│ │ ├─1989 – Trash (UK Epic 465130 1) 24-192
│ │ ├─1989 – Trash [Epic 465130 1] 24-192
│ │ ├─1989 – Trash [Epic 465130 1] 32-192
│ │ ├─1991 – Hey Stoopid (First US Pressing) 24-96
│ │ ├─1991 – Hey Stoopid (Holland 468416 1) 24-192
│ │ ├─1991 – Hey Stoopid (Holland 468416 1) 32-192
│ │ ├─1991 – Hey Stoopid 24-192
│ │ ├─1994 – The Last Temptation (2018, EU) 24-192
│ │ ├─1994 – The Last Temptation (Holland Pressing) 24-96
│ │ ├─1994 – The Last Temptation (Holland, EPC 476594 1) 32-192
│ │ ├─2000 – Brutal Planet (2016R) 24-88.2
│ │ ├─2000 – Brutal Planet (UK 180 Gram Yellow Vinyl Pressing) 24-96
│ │ ├─2000 – Brutal Planet (UK 803341343580) 24-192
│ │ ├─2001 – Dragontown (UK 180 Gram Orange Vinyl Pressing) 24-96
│ │ ├─2001 – Dragontown (UK 803341343597) 24-192
│ │ ├─2003 – The Eyes Of Alice Cooper (UK 180 Gram White Vinyl Pressing) 24-96
│ │ ├─2005 – Dirty Diamonds (UK 180 Gram Red Vinyl Pressing) 24-96
│ │ ├─2008 – Along Came A Spider (German Clear Vinyl Pressing) 24-96
│ │ ├─2011 – Welcome 2 My Nightmare (US Double Vinyl Pressing) 24-96
│ │ ├─2011 – Welcome 2 My Nightmare 24-192
│ │ ├─2017 – From The Inside (EU MOVLP974) 32-384
│ │ ├─2017 – Paranorma (45RPM) 24-192
│ │ ├─2021 – Detroit Stories 32-192
│ ├─MQA
│ │ ├─1969 – Pretties for You [MQA]
│ │ ├─1970 – Easy Action [MQA]
│ │ ├─1971 – Killer (Expanded & Remastered) 2CD [MQA]
│ │ ├─1971 – Killer [MQA]
│ │ ├─1971 – Love It to Death [MQA]
│ │ ├─1972 – School’s Out (Expanded & Remastered) 2CD [MQA]
│ │ ├─1972 – School’s Out [MQA]
│ │ ├─1973 – Billion Dollar Babies (50th Anniversary Deluxe Edition) [MQA]
│ │ ├─1973 – Billion Dollar Babies [MQA]
│ │ ├─1973 – Muscle of Love [MQA]
│ │ ├─1974 – Alice Cooper’s Greatest Hits [MQA]
│ │ ├─1976 – Alice Cooper Goes to Hell [MQA]
│ │ ├─1977 – Lace and Whiskey [MQA]
│ │ ├─1977 – The Alice Cooper Show [MQA]
│ │ ├─1978 – From the Inside [MQA]
│ │ ├─1980 – Flush the Fashion [MQA]
│ │ ├─1981 – Special Forces [MQA]
│ │ ├─1982 – Zipper Catches Skin [MQA]
│ │ ├─1989 – Trash [MQA]
│ │ ├─1991 – Hey Stoopid EP [MQA]
│ │ ├─1991 – Hey Stoopid [MQA]
│ │ ├─1993 – Welcome to My Nightmare [MQA]
│ │ ├─1994 – It’s Me EP [MQA]
│ │ ├─1994 – The Last Temptation [MQA]
│ │ ├─1995 – Alice Cooper Classicks [MQA]
│ │ ├─2001 – Mascara & Monsters- The Best of Alice Cooper [MQA]
│ │ ├─2007 – The Essential Alice Cooper – The Epic Years 2CD [MQA]
│ │ ├─2015 – The Studio Albums 1969-1983 [E][MQA] 15CD
│ │ ├─2016 – Elected (Single Version) [MQA]
│ │ ├─2017 – Only My Heart Talkin’ [MQA]
│ │ ├─2023 – Be My Lover (Live in Miami, FL, May 27, 1972) [MQA]
│ │ ├─2023 – Dead Don’t Dance [MQA]
│ │ ├─2023 – School’s Out (Single Version) [MQA]
│ │ ├─2023 – Winner Takes All [MQA]
│ │ ├─2023 – You Drive Me Nervous (Alternate Version) [MQA]
│ │ ├─2023 – You Drive Me Nervous (Live at Mar Y Sol Pop Festival, Puerto Rico, April 2, 1972) [MQA]
│ │ ├─2024 – Billion Dollar Babies (Live) [MQA]
│ │ ├─2024 – Coal Black Model T (Outtake) [MQA]
│ ├─qobuz
│ │ ├─1969 – Live at the Whiskey A-Go-Go, 1969
│ │ ├─1969 – Pretties for You
│ │ ├─1970 – Easy Action
│ │ ├─1971 – Killer
│ │ ├─1971 – Killer (Expanded & Remastered) 2CD
│ │ ├─1971 – Love It to Death
│ │ ├─1972 – School’s Out
│ │ ├─1972 – School’s Out (Expanded & Remastered) 2CD
│ │ ├─1973 – Billion Dollar Babies (Deluxe Reissue)
│ │ ├─1973 – Billion Dollar Babies (édition Studio Masters)
│ │ ├─1973 – Muscle of Love
│ │ ├─1974 – Alice Cooper’s Greatest Hits
│ │ ├─1975 – Welcome to My Nightmare
│ │ ├─1976 – Alice Cooper Goes to Hell
│ │ ├─1977 – Lace and Whiskey
│ │ ├─1977 – The Alice Cooper Show (Live)
│ │ ├─1978 – From the Inside
│ │ ├─1980 – Flush the Fashion
│ │ ├─1981 – Special Forces
│ │ ├─1982 – Zipper Catches Skin
│ │ ├─1983 – DaDa
│ │ ├─1986 – Constrictor
│ │ ├─1987 – Raise Your Fist And Yell
│ │ ├─1987 – The Nightmare Returns
│ │ ├─1989 – Prince Of Darkness
│ │ ├─1989 – Trash
│ │ ├─1991 – Hey Stoopid
│ │ ├─1991 – Hey Stoopid EP
│ │ ├─1991 – Only My Heart Talkin’
│ │ ├─1994 – It’s Me EP
│ │ ├─1994 – The Last Temptation
│ │ ├─1995 – Alice Cooper Classicks
│ │ ├─1997 – A Fistful Of Alice
│ │ ├─1997 – A Fistful Of Alice (Live)
│ │ ├─2000 – Brutal Planet
│ │ ├─2000 – Brutally Live
│ │ ├─2000 – Mascara & Monsters The Best of Alice Cooper
│ │ ├─2001 – Dragontown
│ │ ├─2001 – Welcome To My Nightmare (Edition Studio Masters)
│ │ ├─2002 – Alice Cooper Live
│ │ ├─2003 – The Eyes Of Alice Cooper
│ │ ├─2005 – Dirty Diamonds
│ │ ├─2005 – Live At Montreux 2005
│ │ ├─2007 – The Best Of Alice Cooper
│ │ ├─2008 – Along Came A Spider
│ │ ├─2009 – Electric Satisfaction
│ │ ├─2009 – Live! (Digitally Remastered)
│ │ ├─2009 – The Essential Alice Cooper – The Epic Years 2CD
│ │ ├─2010 – Nobody Likes Me!
│ │ ├─2010 – Theatre of Death (Live at Hammersmith 2009)
│ │ ├─2011 – Ain’t That Just Like Alice Cooper Live – [The Dave Cash Collection]
│ │ ├─2011 – Keepin’ Halloween Alive
│ │ ├─2011 – Old School 2CD
│ │ ├─2011 – Science Fiction
│ │ ├─2011 – Welcome 2 My Nightmare
│ │ ├─2012 – Alice Cooper Live
│ │ ├─2013 – This Is Alice Cooper (Live)
│ │ ├─2014 – Eleanor Rigby
│ │ ├─2014 – Hallow’s Grave (feat. Alice Cooper)
│ │ ├─2014 – Savages (feat. Alice Cooper)
│ │ ├─2015 – Hollywood Vampires
│ │ ├─2015 – No More Mr Nice Guy – Live at Alexandra Palace
│ │ ├─2015 – Peter And The Wolf In Hollywood
│ │ ├─2015 – The Studio Albums 1969-1983 (15CD)
│ │ ├─2016 – Elected (Alice Cooper For Prime Minister 2016)
│ │ ├─2016 – Live at San Diego Sports Arena, 1979 (Fm Radio Broadcast)
│ │ ├─2016 – Live at the Great Western Forum, California, 1975 (Fm Radio Broadcast)
│ │ ├─2017 – Paranoiac Personality
│ │ ├─2017 – Paranormal
│ │ ├─2017 – Poison
│ │ ├─2018 – A Paranormal Evening at the Olympia Paris (Live)
│ │ ├─2018 – Ballad of Dwight Fry (Live)
│ │ ├─2018 – Live at Toronto Rock ‘N’ Roll Revival 1969
│ │ ├─2018 – Monsters Of Rock
│ │ ├─2018 – Nobody Likes Us (Live)
│ │ ├─2018 – Poison (Live)
│ │ ├─2018 – The Sound of A (Live)
│ │ ├─2018 – Why Does Alice Cooper Have a Girl’s Name
│ │ ├─2019 – Breadcrumbs
│ │ ├─2019 – Heroes
│ │ ├─2019 – Rise
│ │ ├─2019 – School’s Out
│ │ ├─2019 – The Boogieman Surprise
│ │ ├─2019 – Who’s Laughing Now
│ │ ├─2020 – Don’t Give Up
│ │ ├─2020 – FM Broadcasts Alice Cooper & Nazareth (Live)
│ │ ├─2020 – Heart Parade (feat. Alice Cooper)
│ │ ├─2020 – Live
│ │ ├─2020 – Our Love Will Change the World
│ │ ├─2020 – Rock & Roll
│ │ ├─2021 – A Nocturnal Vacation (Live L.A. ’75)
│ │ ├─2021 – Alice Cooper – The Great Western Forum Inglewood California FM Broadcast 18th June 1975
│ │ ├─2021 – Alice Cooper – The Sports Arena San Diego California FM Broadcast 9th April 1979
│ │ ├─2021 – Alice Cooper – The Wendler Arena Saginaw Michigan FM Broadcast 10th May 1978
│ │ ├─2021 – Alone In His Nightmare Alice Cooper Live Radio
│ │ ├─2021 – Detroit Stories
│ │ ├─2021 – Inside Out Alice Cooper Live Radio Broadcast
│ │ ├─2021 – Social Debris
│ │ ├─2022 – Alice Cooper Rarities Live (Original Recordings Remastered)
│ │ ├─2022 – Live from the Astroturf
│ │ ├─2023 – Be My Lover (Live in Miami, FL, May 27, 1972)
│ │ ├─2023 – Dead Don’t Dance
│ │ ├─2023 – I Got a Line on You (Live)
│ │ ├─2023 – I’m Alice
│ │ ├─2023 – Live In El Paso 1980
│ │ ├─2023 – Live in Rio
│ │ ├─2023 – Manic Depression (Live in Rio 2015)
│ │ ├─2023 – My Generation (Live in Rio 2015)
│ │ ├─2023 – Road
│ │ ├─2023 – School’s Out (Single Version)
│ │ ├─2023 – Welcome to the Show
│ │ ├─2023 – White Line Frankenstein
│ │ ├─2023 – Winner Takes All
│ │ ├─2023 – You Can’t Put Your Arms Around a Memory
│ │ ├─2023 – You Drive Me Nervous (Alternate Version)
│ │ ├─2023 – You Drive Me Nervous (Live at Mar Y Sol Pop Festival, Puerto Rico, April 2, 1972)
│ │ ├─2024 – Billion Dollar Babies (Live)
│ │ ├─2024 – Billion Dollar Babies (50th Anniversary Deluxe Edition)
│ │ ├─2024 – Coal Black Model T (Outtake)
│ │ ├─2024 – Elected (Single Version)
│ ├─SACD
│ │ ├─1973 – Billion Dollar Babies (2014 AF Remaster) SACD-ISO
│ │ ├─1973 – Muscle of Love (2015 AF Remaster) SACD-ISO
│ │ └─1986 – Constrictor SACD-ISO
│ ├─Tidal
│ │ ├─1969 – Pretties for You
│ │ ├─1970 – Easy Action
│ │ ├─1971 – Killer
│ │ ├─1971 – Killer (Expanded & Remastered) 2CD
│ │ ├─1971 – Love It to Death
│ │ ├─1972 – School’s Out
│ │ ├─1972 – School’s Out (Expanded & Remastered) 2CD
│ │ ├─1973 – Billion Dollar Babies
│ │ ├─1973 – Billion Dollar Babies (50th Anniversary Deluxe Edition)
│ │ ├─1973 – Muscle of Love
│ │ ├─1974 – Alice Cooper’s Greatest Hits
│ │ ├─1975 – Welcome to My Nightmare [A]
│ │ ├─1976 – Alice Cooper Goes to Hell
│ │ ├─1977 – Lace and Whiskey
│ │ ├─1977 – The Alice Cooper Show
│ │ ├─1978 – From the Inside
│ │ ├─1980 – Flush the Fashion
│ │ ├─1981 – Special Forces
│ │ ├─1982 – Zipper Catches Skin
│ │ ├─1983 – DaDa [E]
│ │ ├─1983 – DaDa [ME]
│ │ ├─1986 – Constrictor
│ │ ├─1987 – Raise Your Fist And Yell
│ │ ├─1989 – Prince Of Darkness
│ │ ├─1989 – Trash
│ │ ├─1990 – You and Me [A]
│ │ ├─1991 – Hey Stoopid
│ │ ├─1991 – Hey Stoopid EP
│ │ ├─1993 – Welcome to My Nightmare
│ │ ├─1994 – It’s Me EP
│ │ ├─1994 – The Last Temptation
│ │ ├─1995 – Alice Cooper Classicks
│ │ ├─1997 – A Fistful Of Alice
│ │ ├─2000 – Brutal Planet
│ │ ├─2000 – Brutally Live
│ │ ├─2001 – Billion Dollar Babies [A]
│ │ ├─2001 – Dragontown
│ │ ├─2001 – Dragontown [E]
│ │ ├─2001 – Hello Hooray [A]
│ │ ├─2001 – Mascara & Monsters- The Best of Alice Cooper
│ │ ├─2002 – Alice Cooper Live (Live)
│ │ ├─2003 – Dragontown (Special Edition) 2CD
│ │ ├─2005 – Dirty Diamonds
│ │ ├─2005 – I Never Cry [A]
│ │ ├─2006 – Killer [A]
│ │ ├─2006 – Live At Montreux 2005
│ │ ├─2006 – Under My Wheels [A]
│ │ ├─2007 – How You Gonna See Me Now [A]
│ │ ├─2007 – I’m Eighteen [A]
│ │ ├─2007 – Love It to Death [A]
│ │ ├─2007 – The Essential Alice Cooper – The Epic Years 2CD
│ │ ├─2008 – Along Came A Spider
│ │ ├─2010 – Theatre of Death (Live at Hammersmith 2009)
│ │ ├─2011 – Keepin’ Halloween Alive
│ │ ├─2011 – Welcome 2 My Nightmare
│ │ ├─2013 – Alice Cooper Rarities Live (Original Recordings Remastered)
│ │ ├─2014 – Eleanor Rigby
│ │ ├─2015 – Hollywood Vampires
│ │ ├─2015 – Peter And The Wolf In Hollywood
│ │ ├─2015 – The Studio Albums 1969-1983 [E] 15CD
│ │ ├─2016 – Elected (Alice Cooper For President 2016)
│ │ ├─2016 – Elected (Single Version)
│ │ ├─2017 – Only My Heart Talkin’
│ │ ├─2017 – Paranoiac Personality
│ │ ├─2017 – Paranormal
│ │ ├─2017 – Poison
│ │ ├─2018 – A Paranormal Evening at the Olympia Paris
│ │ ├─2018 – Ballad of Dwight Fry
│ │ ├─2018 – The Sound of A
│ │ ├─2019 – Breadcrumbs
│ │ ├─2019 – Heroes
│ │ ├─2019 – Rise [E]
│ │ ├─2019 – The Boogieman Surprise
│ │ ├─2019 – Who’s Laughing Now
│ │ ├─2020 – Don’t Give Up
│ │ ├─2020 – Feed My Frankenstein
│ │ ├─2020 – Our Love Will Change the World
│ │ ├─2020 – Rock & Roll
│ │ ├─2021 – Detroit Stories
│ │ ├─2021 – Social Debris
│ │ ├─2022 – Live from the Astroturf
│ │ ├─2023 – Be My Lover (Live in Miami, FL, May 27, 1972)
│ │ ├─2023 – Dead Don’t Dance
│ │ ├─2023 – I Got A Line On You (Live in Rio 2015)
│ │ ├─2023 – I’m Alice
│ │ ├─2023 – Live in Rio
│ │ ├─2023 – Manic Depression (Live in Rio 2015)
│ │ ├─2023 – My Generation (Live in Rio 2015)
│ │ ├─2023 – Road
│ │ ├─2023 – School’s Out (Single Version)
│ │ ├─2023 – Welcome To The Show
│ │ ├─2023 – White Line Frankenstein
│ │ ├─2023 – Winner Takes All
│ │ ├─2023 – You Can’t Put Your Arms Around a Memory
│ │ ├─2023 – You Drive Me Nervous (Alternate Version)
│ │ ├─2023 – You Drive Me Nervous (Live at Mar Y Sol Pop Festival, Puerto Rico, April 2, 1972)
│ │ ├─2024 – Billion Dollar Babies (Live)
│ │ ├─2024 – Coal Black Model T (Outtake)
│ └─TP
│ ├─1972 – Billion Dollar Babies 24-48
│ └─1973 – Muscle Of Love 24-48





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